Thursday, November 4, 2010

Production Hours

Mayas' Video Scavenger Hunt: 2 hour
Guillermos' Video Scavenger Hunt: 2 hour
Ross' Video Scavenger Hunt: 2 hour
Simmons' Video Scavenger Hunt: 1 hour
Taco Night/Starving Nielsen: 4 hours
Kristin's Video Scavenger Hunt: 2 hours
Zombie Film: 2 hours
Total: 15 hours


Taco Night-10
Simonne's Music Video-7
Senior Olympics-20
Jordan's Video-2
Ross Taco Night-2
Roger's Video-4

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Exorcist

I am doing my film critique on “The Exorcist” which was directed by: William Friedkin. This movie is about a 12-year old girl Ragen, who all of a sudden starts acting really weird. Not only did she start changing they way she acts, but she even started changing the way she looked. It was just like evil things were happening to her. Over time she starts losing control and becoming violent against other people, its like she loses her temper. Ragen’s mother start worrying, and contacts a priest to help her. The main characters are Ragen, Father Dyer, Father Merrin, Sharon, and the Psychiatrist. In this movie the director evokes horror in many ways, first of all the theme is terrifing, I think everyone can feel fear from the thought of the devil possesing your body. Second the effect and acting were super well done, and the way the people act after gettign possesed was extremely terrifing. He also uses creepy music and scary shots. Like open space, slow pans, and shots from behind the person making you believe something else is in the shot. I think its scary that its based on true story, and that exorcism are real. Not only that but I think any religious person could have a problem with this movie, and get really creeped out. I think personally the scaries part to watch was the part with the spinal tap in the hospital. This movie is not only scary becasue of the severe and scary scenes and acting, but the whole part that it exorcisms exist. I think that is what really scares people. Its a disturbing thought and if you believe in the devil this movie could really freak you out. I honestly dont think I would change this anything, this movie was so well made and acted it made it seem almost plausible. I was definalty horrifed and had nightmares for a long time so the director did a fantaztic job at making his audience feel scared.

The Exorcist

I am doing my film critique on “The Exorcist” which was directed by: William Friedkin. This movie is about a 12-year old girl Ragen, who all of a sudden starts acting really weird. Not only did she start changing they way she acts, but she even started changing the way she looked. It was just like evil things were happening to her. Over time she starts losing control and becoming violent against other people, its like she loses her temper. Ragen’s mother start worrying, and contacts a priest to help her. The main characters are Ragen, Father Dyer, Father Merrin, Sharon, and the Psychiatrist. In this movie the director evokes horror in many ways, first of all the theme is terrifing, I think everyone can feel fear from the thought of the devil possesing your body. Second the effect and acting were super well done, and the way the people act after gettign possesed was extremely terrifing. He also uses creepy music and scary shots. Like open space, slow pans, and shots from behind the person making you believe something else is in the shot. I think its scary that its based on true story, and that exorcism are real. Not only that but I think any religious person could have a problem with this movie, and get really creeped out. I think personally the scaries part to watch was the part with the spinal tap in the hospital. This movie is not only scary becasue of the severe and scary scenes and acting, but the whole part that it exorcisms exist. I think that is what really scares people. Its a disturbing thought and if you believe in the devil this movie could really freak you out. I honestly dont think I would change this anything, this movie was so well made and acted it made it seem almost plausible. I was definalty horrifed and had nightmares for a long time so the director did a fantaztic job at making his audience feel scared.

Fear Dot Com

  1. Fear Dot Com is about an ex-doctor, who creates website/web cast of him torturing his victims. A detective has been working on the case for quite some time. Another twist falls into play, whoever goes onto the website dies two days later. Director: William Malone

Act 1: The detective works on the "ex-doctor" case. A German guy gets a arrested and has a nose bleed. Later that day he is found dead in a puddle of blood. Blood came from his eyes, nose, and mouth. The detective went to crime scene and found a dead German girl in a tub. Her eyes, nose, and mouth also bled. He met an anthropologist at the crime scene. The anthropologist looks under the tub and finds a camera that reveals some useful information of what had happen.

Act 2: The detective and the anthropologist discover the website/web cast "". They also realized whoever views it dies two days later from their fear. The detective and anthropologist start a fling between them. The detective views the website and realizes where the "ex-doctor" is. Later on the anthropologist views the website and then goes to catch the "ex-doctor".

Act 3: They find the "ex-doctor" and stop him from murdering his victim. The detective killed the "ex-doctor" by showing him his website.

2. Main Characters: Detective and Anthropologist , Detective: (male) tall, brown hair, muscular, flirtatious with the anthropologist, daring, curious, determined , Anthropologist:(female), very long dirty blonde hair, very curious, flirtatious with the detective, tall, intelligent

3. lighting- use of shadows, dark room with only a few things lighted.. Angles/Shots: zoom in on the character's reactions, quick shots of two different actions but somehow connnected Ex: Detective at the station, girl freaking out in her house, house looks like a hurricane went through, she's writing numbers on the floors and walls, detective on his way to her house. (back n' forth shots)

4. Serial Killer is an ex-doctor who now tortures women. Concept/Storyline: anyone who views the website dies two days later from their greatest fear. Symptoms: bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth. Ex: a businessman is afraid of car crashed, his views the website, later on he starts to see a a little girl with a white ball and his nose starts to bleed. After the two days, the businessman dies in a car accident.

5. I would probably clarify teh two conflicts, it seemed almost like it was one movie but with two plots/conflicts, it kinda showed they were connected but you don't realize it until near the end of the movie. I would just simplify the connections a little bit.

Shaun of the Dead


1. Describe the general plot of the film—a breakdown of what happens in Act One, Two, Three. Don’t forget to include the title and director!!

In the film “Shaun of the Dead” (Directed by Edgar Wright), a British man working a mediocre job is forced to save his loved ones during a zombie crisis. It’s a parody on all zombie films preceding it, namely “Dawn of the Dead”.

In act one, we meet Shaun and his two roommates. His best friend is a slacker who can’t pick up after himself and their other roommate wants to evict him. At the end of a day, it is revealed that the stern roommate (Pete) has been bitten by a mugger.

Act two begins the next day when Shaun and his best friend (Ed) are confronted by zombies, including Pete. They decide to go to the local bar, but must first pick up Shaun’s mother and girlfriend. The rest of the act details the group trying to survive. The climax occurs when Shaun and his girlfriend are just about to escape the scene for good, but must leave Ed behind, who has been bitten.

In the final act, Shaun and his girlfriend stay together, and the outbreak becomes successfully contained. Ed, who is a zombie, lives in Shaun’s shed secretly and they play video games together daily.

2. Describe the main characters.

Shaun is a lazy, but nice, middle class Englishman working a lousy job and not really enjoying life.

Ed is a slacker/marijuana dealer for a living who plays video games all day and contributes little to no money monthly for the rent.

Liz (Shaun’s girlfriend) is also relatively poor and is growing tired of Shaun’s lazy antics.

2. Describe how the director evokes horror-visually (camera moves/angles, lighting, etc) Give a specific example from the film.

More thought was put into the comedy aspect of this film rather than horror, but the director used some classic horror techniques to sharpen the horror edge of the film. Like in the scene where we find out Pete is a zombie. Shaun is going through the medicine cabinet, and when he closes it, we can see zombified Pete in the mirror. Classic.

3. Describe how the director evokes horror-conceptually (storyline, characters, conflict, etc) Give a specific example from the film.

Conceptually, the film is as expected. A zombie movie. Nothing really stood out in the story of the film that relates to horror. Zombies are taking over suburban England. That’s the extent of the conceptual horror aspect.

5. If you were directing this movie, what would you have done differently? Why?

The only thing that irked me was the direction given to Simon Pegg (Shaun) in the scene where his mother is turning into a zombie. It’s too long and dramatic for a comedy, and I could only think “Get on with it” while it was happening.

Nightmare on Guillermo's Street

Nightmare on Elm's Street Directed by Wes Carven

1.- Nightmare of Elm's Street is about a child molester who was killed by a mob of parents who lit the house where he was hiding in fire, and now he is back to take revenge on the parents by killing their kids in their dreams.

Act one is mainly the development of the characters and Freddy Krueger's entrance to the plot.

Act two consists on Freddy Krueger haunting the kids on their dreams and preforming his revenge, this also involves the kids telling the parents what they've been seeing but no one believes them.

Act three is when most of the kids have died and this is when finally the parents begin to tell the kids the truth and the origin of Freddy Krueger's powers.

2.- Nancy Thompson: is Freddy's last person who he needs to kill to complete his revenge, therefore she became the last person who knew Freddy's Secret.
Freddy Krueger: is a child molester disfigured by a fire, he stalks his victims on their dreams and he uses a glove armed with blades on the finger tips.

3.- The way the director evokes horror is through visual effects of the difference between the dreams and reality in contrast with what the victim is seeing and the people out side the dream are watching, For example when a girl gets attacked by Freddy, the director shows Freddy attacking her and on the other side he boyfriend watching her getting killed and thrown around the room by nothing.

4.- Conceptually, the director evokes fear on the viewers because the way Freddy's victims die, it's on their dreams, when they are the most vulnerable, and throughout the movie the characters become unable to tell when they are awake to when they are asleep.

5.- If I had changed anything from this movie, I would've made Freddy Krueger victorious, that would make him the ultimate horror villain.
Why? Because there are very little horror films that the evil triumphs, and with invincible I mean that I would've made the kids unable to defeat him in the end.